
Showing posts from August, 2018

August 29th, 2018

A couple weeks ago on successive days, I believe on August 16th and 17th, I saw a mattress one day and then a series of tires the next. What made the tires stand out was that it wasn't just one or two, but about four tires on the side of the road. However, these are pretty run-of-the-mill I-95 events. While noting them during my drive, I forgot to blog about them by the time I got to the office. Today was different. I saw a nice full size mattress that was in tatters on the 595 ramp to 95 south. It reminded me of my mattress in college that came with the furnished house. That bed creaked for 5 minutes if I rolled from my side to my back. Moving on...this morning's mattress reminded of the previous mattress and tire day from a couple weeks back. I continued on my commute until I saw cars ahead of me swerving and losing control. A large semi tire was in the middle of 95. Lovely. Just down the road a semi was on the side of the road. Unfortunately, I'm sure more car